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Order Books

OBNJ was able to secure deep discounts from some of the publishers of the selected books, while others have policies which prohibit them from making discounts beyond those already in place.

For The Pine Barrens, there is no OBNJ-related discount available. But if your library has an account with the publisher's distribution agent, VHPS, you can receive a 20% discount off the cover price of the book, making the cost $10.40 per copy. Call VHPS at 888-330-8477. You may be able to obtain even greater discounts with other book distributors, based on your library's specific account with those companies.

For The Body of Christopher Creed, please call the publisher's distribution agent at 800-759-0190. The cost for up to 9 paperback copies is $5.59 each (a 20% discount), while 10 or more copies will cost $4.54 each (a 35% discount).

For Because of Winn-Dixie, please call Kathleen Rourke, representative for Candlewick Press, at 617-661-3330. Paperback copies are available for $4.19 (a 30% discount). Note: If your library has an account with Penguin, you automatically have an account with Candlewick, but in order to receive the above discount, you must place the order with Kathleen.

For How The Cat Swallowed Thunder, please call Diane Burdick, Sales Representative for Penguin Press / Dutton's Children's Books. Paperback copies of "Cat" are available for $4.89 each (a 30% discount). Call Diane at 800-847-5515, Ext. 301.